30" NATURAL MOVEMENT CLASS, September 26th, 2024

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Get ready for a 30-minute Natural Movement workout — no equipment needed, just a yoga mat or soft surface!  This session blends balance training, functional movements, and hip-opening exercises to improve mobility, strength, and overall condition. You'll alternate between dynamic get-ups to boost your heart rate and core-strengthening holds, keeping your body engaged throughout. Perfect for all levels, you’ll feel energized and more in tune with your body.

Come discover the power of natural movement!

Natural Movement exercises help you unlock movements, that are natural to the body, but which our modern lifestyle does no longer support. Helps you get rid of aches and pains and increase overall mobility and flow.

This class format is easy to squeeze to your daily schedule.

It's all about making movement fun!

Class Length: 30 minutes
Equipment needed: a Mat
